




A: About 1,200 members of OU’s 3,500 total workforce is represented by five different labor unions. The unions collectively bargain on behalf of a particular group of employees on issues ranging from wages to conditions of employment.


A: The 十大菠菜台子 Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (OU-AAUP) represents more than 800 full-time and regular part-time faculty members across the university.




A: The current contract between the administration and OU-AAUP was agreed to in September 2021 and expires in August 2024. Negotiations between the administration’s bargaining team and union’s bargaining team are 正在进行的.


A: The respective bargaining teams are holding meetings to discuss all issues surrounding the expiring contract. 真诚谈判是双方的法律责任, 努力达成双方都能接受的协议. 


A: The administration recognizes the importance of providing faculty members with the resources and tools they need to perform their work, as well as compensating them fairly for their efforts in advancing the University’s educational and research missions. 我们的目标是创造一个包容的学习环境,让我们所有的教师, 学生和员工可以成功. 


A:当然不是. 但是,尽管对特定话题和过去的事件有不同的看法, 我们承诺以尊重的态度处理这一进程. 我们渴望以前瞻性的眼光进行谈判, 专注于富有成效的讨论.




A: The administration recognizes its financial situation has improved since the last round of negotiations with OU-AAUP, and that is reflected in the fair and generous economic proposal presented to the faculty union, 其中包括加薪13.在拟议的5年合同中,超过75%, including a 4% raise for the 2024-2025 academic year. 用我们一次性的5美元盈余.600万年, 这是我们争取45个倡议努力的直接结果, 我们的指导原则始终如一:照顾好我们的员工, 为学生提供负担得起的服务,并确保长期的财政能力.


A: OU relies primarily on two sources for revenue: tuition dollars and state funding. 而在未来五年内,政府的资金预计将保持适度, 预计增长率仅为1-2%, the number of high school graduates in the state will decrease dramatically in the coming years.


答:欧大的“争取45”运动, 在教师的大力支持下,于2020年启动, 当地的议员, 同辈学校和更广泛的社区, has been successful in changing the minimum amount of higher education funding Michigan’s 15 public universities receive. 这一倡导努力已经导致了15美元.在过去的两年里,国家对该大学的资助增加了400万美元, 在过去的几年里,大部分资金被用来防止进一步的预算削减. 尽管有这样的宣传努力, OU remains 12th among the state’s 15 public universities when funding is broken down per enrolled student.


A:除了即将到来的招生悬崖, 公开大学必须注意到该州免费社区学院的影响, 专家说,哪些因素可能会吸引该州地区四年制学校的学生. 另外, 正如我们在过去三年所看到的那样, inflationary pressures and a volatile stock market can amplify financial hurdles for all institutions.

Q: Why is OU projecting smaller tuition increases than is permitted by the state budgeting process?

答:我们的主要目标之一是确保我们的学生负担得起. Particularly with competing programs such as the free community college initiative, it is imperative that OU plan tuition increases at a modest level to ensure we remain a viable path for our potential students. To balance the budget with the union’s current offer, OU would have to increase tuition 15.比预算增长高出7%,让很多学生望而却步.

问:OU和OU- aaup的经济提案对预算的影响是什么?  

A: OU’s current contract proposal to the faculty union – a salary increase of 13.在拟议的5年合同中,超过75%, including a 4% raise for the 2024-2025 academic year – would have a manageable budget impact of $11 million over five years. OU-AAUP目前的报价-其中包括一次性一次性的8美元,合同第一年基本工资增加500元, 另外,在拟议合同的三年里,每年都要增加4%的工资, 加上总共3美元.5 million in market adjustments second and third years – would instead have come at a cost of $2600万年 over the next three years.


A: The University’s unrestricted reserves were just more than $200 million as of Fiscal Year 2023. 随着时间的推移,我们的储备随着大学的发展而增长. 这是通过审慎的财政管理实现的, 良好的市场表现, 开支限制. It is important to note that only about $53 million of reserves is not already designated for another use.


A:保持足够的储备是很重要的,原因有很多, not the least of which is to be able to fund operations during times of economic uncertainty. Committing to permanent and 正在进行的 budget allocations (such as salary increases) where the funding source is one-time money (such as reserves) would be fiscally irresponsible and could put OU in the precarious position of having to make further budget cuts considering economic headwinds. OU also could face a rating agency downgrade, making it more expensive to borrow money.

问:那么欧开行的外汇储备是做什么用的? 如果这些资金是“无限制”的储备,为什么不能花掉呢 想怎么拿钱就怎么拿?

答:除了在经济不确定时期为业务提供资金之外, maintaining OU's credit rating and outlook is also key to maintaining appropriate reserve balances. 尽管公开大学的储备被认为是“无限制的”,“只有大约5300万美元尚未被指定用于其他用途(例如), 一些捐赠的礼物有直接用途, some of our reserves are invested to fund deferred maintenance and other portions are divisional designated funds that while not “restricted” are earmarked by the department or unit in which they exist). 另外, the National Association of College and University 业务 Officers recommends institutions have reserves sufficient to cover 90-180 days’ worth of operating expenses. 使用5300万美元的数字, the University could cover only about 45 days of its operating expenses if unforeseen circumstances arise.


A: One example is increasing the size of startup packages for faculty when hired; one department has more than tripled that amount using designated reserve funds. Another is using those funds to pay for travel costs for faculty and students to attend conferences, 还有奖学金和研究补助金.




答:行政部门会定期发布 新闻及最新消息 在这个网站上, 通知校园社区的发展和取得的进展, 以及提供信息是机构整体成功的关键.


A:保持透明,保持校园社区的更新, OU will provide an overview of what is being discussed and progress made throughout the negotiations. 然而, we will avoid some specifics as we firmly believe the best place to have discussions regarding the faculty union contract is at the bargaining table, 而不是在媒体或社交媒体上. The faculty union and the administration both have dedicated teams of individuals diligently working to represent their interests and reach an equitable contract. 他们应该被允许做那些重要的工作.